MLT Ingelheim is one of the worldwide leading companies in veterinary ophthalmology, both with its unique laser system FOX Q810nm and with highly specialized accessories (e.g. LIO, probes, micro pulse mode).

PTT – Photo Thermal Therapy with EmunDo®
Effective control of pathogenic germs/bacteria and tumorous cells, especially squamous cell carcinoma (PEK) or immune mediator keratitis (IMMK)

An extremely gentle and safe method for removing single or multiple ciliaries or hair follicles is the use of the diode laser in dogs. In the “Non-Contact”-mode the pigmented hair roots are permanently and irreversibly destroyed.

Iris melanoma | Uveal cysts (Pigmented)
The diode laser can be used intraocularly very gently and precisely in “non-contact” mode for the vaporization of pigmented tumors and iris cysts. The shrinkage of the tumor or cyst should be visible immediately.

Glaucoma (TCP) | Micro-Pulse-Mode)
Transscleral cyclophotocoagulation (TCP) has been shown to be a safe and effective method of reducing intraocular pressure using the 810nm diode laser and the corresponding glaucoma probe. TCP treatment in micro-pulse mode is another minimally invasive option to use the “FOX” diode laser.

Extraocular laser surgery
Minimally invasive and controlled use of the diode laser at the edge of the eyelid, when vaporizing e.g. adenomas and ablating tumor tissue, e.g. squamous cell carcinomas (after PTT treatment with EmunDo®)

Retinopexy | Retinal detachment
Rational, prophylactic retinoplexia e.g. before or after lens luxation, retinal dysplasia with RD risk or inflammation of the posterior segment or cataract patients (predisposed, e.g. Shi-Tzu, Pekinesen, Jack-Russel)
The Keeler Indirect Headset is configured for direct connection to the FOX laser system to ensure precise and safe retinal treatment.